Polytechnic Cut Off Points

polytechnic cut off points

For O-level students aspiring to pursue a polytechnic education in Singapore, we have compiled an exhaustive and comprehensive resource – the ELR2B2 range, commonly referred to as ‘poly cut-off points’, ‘poly cop’ or ‘polytechnics cut-off points,’ for ALL polytechnics in Singapore. Yes, you read that correctly, it covers ALL of them.

NoPoly CodeCourses nameIntake ELR2B2 RangeELR2B2 COP
1SPAPPLIED SCIENCESApplied Chemistry (S64)754 to 99
2SPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiomedical Science (S98)753 to 77
3SPAPPLIED SCIENCESChemical Engineering (S70)1207 to 1414
4SPAPPLIED SCIENCESCommon Science Programme (S28)1053 to 1010
5SPAPPLIED SCIENCESFood Science & Technology (S47)654 to 1111
6SPAPPLIED SCIENCESPerfumery & Cosmetic Science (S38)356 to 1111
7TPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiomedical Engineering (T38)958 - 1414
8TPAPPLIED SCIENCESChemical Engineering (T33)1005 - 1414
9TPAPPLIED SCIENCESCommon Science Programme (T70)1507 - 1212
10TPAPPLIED SCIENCESFood, Nutrition & Culinary Science (T26)508 - 1010
11TPAPPLIED SCIENCESMedical Biotechnology (T64)653 - 99
12TPAPPLIED SCIENCESPharmaceutical Science (T25)705 - 1010
13TPAPPLIED SCIENCESVeterinary Technology (T45)455 - 99
14NPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiomedical Science N59603 to 77
15NPAPPLIED SCIENCESChemical & Biomolecular Engineering N56758 to 1212
16NPAPPLIED SCIENCESCommon Science Programme N15 (New)505 to 99
17NPAPPLIED SCIENCESEnvironmental & Water Technology N74456 to 1515
18NPAPPLIED SCIENCESLandscape Design & Horticulture N57404 to 1616
19NPAPPLIED SCIENCESPharmaceutical Science N73503 to 99
20NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESApplied Chemistry234 to 1010
21NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiologics & Process Technology235 to 1010
22NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESChemical & Pharmaceutical Technology887 to 1414
23NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESCommon Science Programme1168 to 1212
24NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESFood Science & Nutrition455 to 1212
25NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESPharmaceutical Science596 to 1010
26RPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiomedical Science98 7 to 1212
27RPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiotechnology93 8 to 1919
28RPAPPLIED SCIENCESApplied Chemistry51 12 to 1818
29RPAPPLIED SCIENCESPharmaceutical Science152 8 to 1919
30RPAPPLIED SCIENCESCommon Science Programme194 12 to 1818
31RPAPPLIED SCIENCESEnvironmental & Marine Science64 8 to 1515
32SPBUILT ENVIRONMENTArchitecture (S66)1003 to 1616
33SPBUILT ENVIRONMENTCivil Engineering (S68)1208 to 2626
34SPBUILT ENVIRONMENTFacilities Management (S95)7513 to 2222
35SPBUILT ENVIRONMENTIntegrated Events & Project Management (S50)1005 to 1717
36SPBUILT ENVIRONMENTLandscape Architecture (S94)4011 to 1717
37TPBUILT ENVIRONMENTArchitectural Technology & Building Services (T29)1005 - 2323
38TPBUILT ENVIRONMENTIntegrated Facility Management (T28)754 - 1919
39NPBUILT ENVIRONMENTHotel & Leisure Facilities Management N40957 to 1717
40NYPBUILT ENVIRONMENTArchitecture547 to 1515
41SPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTAccountancy (S75)1004 to 1212
42SPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBanking & Finance (S76)803 to 1111
43SPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness Administration (S71)1206 to 1212
44SPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommon Business Programme (S31)2055 to 1313
45SPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTHuman Resource Management With Psychology (S48)1004 to 1212
46TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTAccountancy & Finance (T02)1005 - 1111
47TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTAviation Management (T04)957 - 1515
48TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness (T10)1655 - 1313
49TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness Process & Systems Engineering (T43)1005 - 1616
50TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommon Business Programme (T01)2906 - 1515
51TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommunications & Media Management (T40)856 - 1313
52TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCulinary & Catering Management (T18)703 - 1919
53TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTHospitality & Tourism Management (T08)1206 - 1717
54TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTLaw & Management (T09)1205 - 1212
55TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTInternational Trade & Logistics (T07)7011 - 1616
56TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTMarketing (T67)758 - 1515
57NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTAccountancy N511354 to 1212
58NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTArts Business Management N91405 to 1212
59NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBanking & Finance N53755 to 1010
60NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness Studies N451503 to 88
61NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommon Business Programme N972203 to 1212
62NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTInternational Trade & Business N85758 to 1313
63NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTReal Estate Business N48758 to 1414
64NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTTourism & Resort Management N725010 to 1515
65NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTAccountancy & Finance696 to 1212
66NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBanking & Finance665 to 1212
67NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness Management2486 to 1515
68NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommon Business Programme2565 to 1515
69NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTFood & Beverage Business665 to 1616
70NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTHospitality & Tourism Management607 to 1717
71NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTMass Media Management546 to 1212
72NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTSport & Wellness Management4511 to 1717
73NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness & Financial Technology988 to 1515
74RPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTMass Communication117 9 to 1616
75RPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTConsumer Behaviour & Research63 14 to 1818
76RPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTHuman Resource Management With Psychology 68 8 to 1616
77RPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommon Business Programme270 8 to 2626
78RPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness121 9 to 2020
79SPENGINEERINGAeronautical Engineering (S88)1684 to 1616
80SPENGINEERINGAerospace Electronics (S90)845 to 1414
81SPENGINEERINGCommon Engineering Programme (S40)4084 to 1919
82SPENGINEERINGComputer Engineering (S53)2013 to 1212
83SPENGINEERINGElectrical & Electronic Engineering (S99)2055 to 1717
84SPENGINEERINGEngineering With Business (S42)566 to 1111
85SPENGINEERINGMechanical Engineering (S91)1686 to 1919
86SPENGINEERINGMechatronics & Robotics (S73)705 to 1515
87TPENGINEERINGAerospace Electronics (T50)757 - 1717
88TPENGINEERINGAerospace Engineering (T51)1206 - 1515
89TPENGINEERINGCommon Engineering Programme (T56)4658 - 2121
90TPENGINEERINGComputer Engineering (T13)1004 - 1313
91TPENGINEERINGElectronics (T65)5010 - 1515
92TPENGINEERINGMechatronics (T66)509 - 1616
93NPENGINEERINGAerospace Engineering N651259 to 1818
94NPENGINEERINGMechatronics & Robotics N50756 to 2626
95NPENGINEERINGBiomedical Engineering N60506 to 1111
96NPENGINEERINGCommon Engineering Programme N713257 to 2424
97NPENGINEERINGElectrical Engineering N437512 to 2424
98NPENGINEERINGElectronic & Computer Engineering N441255 to 1616
99NPENGINEERINGEngineering Science N93406 to 1111
100NPENGINEERINGMechanical Engineering N411254 to 2626
101NYPENGINEERINGAdvanced & Digital Manufacturing6415 to 2323
102NYPENGINEERINGAeronautical & Aerospace Technology416 to 1616
103NYPENGINEERINGAerospace Systems & Management4111 to 1818
104NYPENGINEERINGAI & Data Engineering403 to 1010
105NYPENGINEERINGBiomedical Engineering406 to 1414
106NYPENGINEERINGCommon Engineering Programme4246 to 2424
107NYPENGINEERINGElectronic & Computer Engineering833 to 1515
108NYPENGINEERINGEngineering With Business416 to 1414
109NYPENGINEERINGInfocomm & Media Engineering13014 to 1919
110NYPENGINEERINGNanotechnology & Materials Science4010 to 1515
111NYPENGINEERINGRobotics & Mechatronics646 to 1919
112RPENGINEERINGIndustrial & Operations Management81 14 to 2626
113RPENGINEERINGSupply Chain Management81 13 to 2626
114RPENGINEERINGAviation Management85 15 to 2525
115RPENGINEERINGAerospace Engineering96 12 to 2626
116RPENGINEERINGCommon Engineering Programme294 13 to 2626
117RPENGINEERINGElectrical & Electronic Engineering125 18 to 2626
118RPENGINEERINGEngineering Systems & Management64 15 to 2121
119RPENGINEERINGEngineering Design With Business64 16 to 2626
120RPENGINEERINGSustainable Built Environment48 16 to 2626
121SPHEALTH SCIENCESOptometry (S67)606 to 1414
122NPHEALTH SCIENCESNursing N696006 to 28 28
123NPHEALTH SCIENCESOptometry N83456 to 1313
124NYPHEALTH SCIENCESOral Health Therapy255 to 1010
125NYPHEALTH SCIENCESNursing8006 to 2828
126TPHUMANITIESEarly Childhood Development & Education (T68)2503 - 1919
127TPHUMANITIESPsychology Studies (T48)753 - 88
128TPHUMANITIESSocial Sciences In Gerontology (T53)509 - 1414
129NPHUMANITIESChinese Studies N70505 to 1212
130NPHUMANITIESCommunity Development N11855 to 1313
131NPHUMANITIESEarly Childhood Development & Education N964505 to 2323
132NPHUMANITIESTamil Studies With Early Education N953015 to 2020
133NYPHUMANITIESSocial Work454 to 1313
134SPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESApplied AI & Analytics (S30)854 to 1010
135SPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCommon Ict Programme (S32)1703 to 1414
136SPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCybersecurity & Digital Forensics (S54)1255 to 1212
137SPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInformation Technology (S69)1754 to 1515
138TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESApplied Artificial Intelligence (T69)504 - 1212
139TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESBig Data & Analytics (T60)505 - 1111
140TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCommon Ict Programme (T63)2205 - 1616
141TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCybersecurity & Digital Forensics (T62)1504 - 1111
142TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESImmersive Media & Game Development (T58)258 - 1313
143TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInformation Technology (T30)1005 - 1515
144NPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCommon Ict Programme N981253 to 1212
145NPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCybersecurity & Digital Forensics N94753 to 1010
148NPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInformation Technology N541255 to 1414
150NYPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCommon Ict Programme1484 to 1414
151NYPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCybersecurity & Digital Forensics825 to 1010
152NYPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInfocomm & Security5511 to 1515
153NYPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESGame Development & Technology864 to 1111
154NYPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInformation Technology1088 to 1313
155RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInformation Technology 141 15 to 2626
156RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESBusiness Information Systems  125 15 to 2626
157RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESFinancial Technology122 16 to 2626
158RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESDigital Design & Development90 15 to 2626
159RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInfocomm Security Management88 10 to 2525
160RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCommon Ict Programme 245 13 to 2626
161SPMARITIME STUDIESMarine Engineering (S63)1157 to 2626
162SPMARITIME STUDIESMaritime Business (S74)12010 to 1818
163NPMARITIME STUDIESMarine & Offshore Technology N424014 to 2525
164SPMEDIA AND DESIGNInterior Design (S89)608 to 1616
165SPMEDIA AND DESIGNMedia, Arts & Design (S29)4153 to 1313
166TPMEDIA AND DESIGNApparel Design & Merchandising (T20)508 - 1212
167TPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommon Design Programme (T71)1007 - 1515
168TPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommunication Design (T59)753 - 1515
169TPMEDIA AND DESIGNDigital Film & Television (T23)553 - 1111
170TPMEDIA AND DESIGNInterior Architecture & Design (T22)554 - 1111
171TPMEDIA AND DESIGNProduct Experience & Design (T35)355 - 1616
172NPMEDIA AND DESIGNChinese Media & Communication N88404 to 1313
173NPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommon Media Programme N14New!707 to 1212
174NPMEDIA AND DESIGNDesign N12754 to 1515
175NPMEDIA AND DESIGNFilm, Sound & Video N82403 to 1111
176NPMEDIA AND DESIGNMass Communication N67753 to 88
177NPMEDIA AND DESIGNMedia Post-Production N13403 to 1313
178NYPMEDIA AND DESIGNArchitecture547 to 1515
179NYPMEDIA AND DESIGNAnimation, Games & Visual Effects1254 to 1010
180NYPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommon Design & Media Programme1324 to 1414
181NYPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommunication & Motion Design834 to 1515
182NYPMEDIA AND DESIGNExperiential Product & Interior Design1105 to 1717
183RPMEDIA AND DESIGNMedia Production & Design   86 13 to 1818
184RPMEDIA AND DESIGNSonic Arts51 11 to 1818
185RPMEDIA AND DESIGNArts & Theatre Management   51 13 to 1919
186RPMEDIA AND DESIGNDesign For Games & Gamification48 12 to 1717
187RPMEDIA AND DESIGNDesign For User Experience53 15 to 2020
188RPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommon Arts, Design And Media Programme125 13 to 2020
189RPHOSPITALITYIntegrated Events Management97 15 to 2626
190RPHOSPITALITYCustomer Experience Management With Business   76 15 to 2222
191RPHOSPITALITYHotel & Hospitality Management   96 13 to 2626
192RPHOSPITALITYRestaurant & Culinary Operations56 14 to 2626
193RPHOSPITALITYTourism Management With Technology57 17 to 2525
194RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISURESport & Exercise Science   103 6 to 1414
195RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISUREOutdoor & Adventure Learning 44 11 to 2525
196RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISUREHealth Management & Promotion 63 14 to 2626
197RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISUREHealth Services Management 73 16 to 2626
198RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISURESport Coaching45 13 to 1818
199RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISURECommon Sports And Health Programme136 12 to 2626

How to use the Poly COP table?

To sort the ELR2B2 COP (Cut Off Points)

You can easily arrange the COP by clicking or tapping on the column header, similar to how you would in a spreadsheet application like Excel. By sorting the ELR2B2 range in chronological order, from the lowest to the highest, you can gain a comprehensive overview of the ELR2B2 ranges for all 5 polytechnics. This time-saving feature eliminates the need to visit individual polytechnics to compare the COP, saving you valuable time.

Poly cop table

Filter by Polytechnics

Additionally, you have the option to filter by Polytechnics. Just choose your preferred Poly name from the drop-down menu.

Poly CodeFull Polytechnic Name
TPTemasek Polytechnic
NPNgee Ann Polytechnic
NYPNanyang Polytechnic
SPSingapore Polytechnic
RPRepublic Polytechnic

Poly cop table filter by polytechnic

Filter by Schools

You can also filter by Poly’s Schools. (Field of study)

Field of Study (Schools)Offered By
APPLIED SCIENCESAll 5 Polytechnics
BUILT ENVIRONMENTAll four polytechnics except RP
ENGINEERINGAll 5 Polytechnics
MEDIA AND DESIGNAll 5 Polytechnics

Poly cop table filtered by school

Filter by Courses

The beauty of this table lies in its ability to provide a bird’s-eye view of the courses offered by different polytechnics. Let’s illustrate this with an example. If you select “Aerospace Engineering” from the courses drop-down menu, you will discover that three polytechnics (Temasek Poly, Ngee Ann Poly and Republic Poly) offer the same course with varying ELR2B2 COP, ranging from 15 to 26. This saves you a tremendous amount of time by eliminating the hassle of visiting the websites of all three polytechnics to search for COP information.

aerospace engineering
Poly cop table filter by polytechnics courses

This ELR2B2 COP (ELR2B2 Cut-off Points) is an indispensable piece of information that students rely on when choosing their courses, as it serves as the eligibility criteria for their desired programs in polytechnics. Interestingly, we’ve uncovered some niche courses that are worth highlighting. These include Veterinary Technology (T45) from Temasek Polytechnic (TP),  Law & Management (T09) from TP, AI & Data Engineering from NYP, Tourism Management With Technology from Republic Polytechnic (RP), and Optometry (N83) & (S67) from Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) and Singapore Polytechnic (SP). These courses not only cater to niche interests but are also in high demand.

Furthermore, our Poly COP table offers a glimpse into the intake numbers, which represent the Polytechnic’s planned intake numbers for the Academic Year 2023/24. This valuable data assists students in making well-informed decisions while selecting their desired courses.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated colleagues Monica, FY, and Amanda, who diligently compiled this comprehensive poly cut-off points table.

Singapore Polytechnic (SP) Cut Off Points 2023

NumberCourses nameIntake ELR2B2 RangeELR2B2 COP
1SPAPPLIED SCIENCESApplied Chemistry (S64)754 to 99
2SPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiomedical Science (S98)753 to 77
3SPAPPLIED SCIENCESChemical Engineering (S70)1207 to 1414
4SPAPPLIED SCIENCESCommon Science Programme (S28)1053 to 1010
5SPAPPLIED SCIENCESFood Science & Technology (S47)654 to 1111
6SPAPPLIED SCIENCESPerfumery & Cosmetic Science (S38)356 to 1111
7SPBUILT ENVIRONMENTArchitecture (S66)1003 to 1616
8SPBUILT ENVIRONMENTCivil Engineering (S68)1208 to 2626
9SPBUILT ENVIRONMENTFacilities Management (S95)7513 to 2222
10SPBUILT ENVIRONMENTIntegrated Events & Project Management (S50)1005 to 1717
11SPBUILT ENVIRONMENTLandscape Architecture (S94)4011 to 1717
12SPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTAccountancy (S75)1004 to 1212
13SPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBanking & Finance (S76)803 to 1111
14SPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness Administration (S71)1206 to 1212
15SPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommon Business Programme (S31)2055 to 1313
16SPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTHuman Resource Management With Psychology (S48)1004 to 1212
17SPENGINEERINGAeronautical Engineering (S88)1684 to 1616
18SPENGINEERINGAerospace Electronics (S90)845 to 1414
19SPENGINEERINGCommon Engineering Programme (S40)4084 to 1919
20SPENGINEERINGComputer Engineering (S53)2013 to 1212
21SPENGINEERINGElectrical & Electronic Engineering (S99)2055 to 1717
22SPENGINEERINGEngineering With Business (S42)566 to 1111
23SPENGINEERINGMechanical Engineering (S91)1686 to 1919
24SPENGINEERINGMechatronics & Robotics (S73)705 to 1515
25SPHEALTH SCIENCESOptometry (S67)606 to 1414
26SPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESApplied Ai & Analytics (S30)854 to 1010
27SPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCommon Ict Programme (S32)1703 to 1414
28SPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCybersecurity & Digital Forensics (S54)1255 to 1212
29SPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInformation Technology (S69)1754 to 1515
30SPMARITIME STUDIESMarine Engineering (S63)1157 to 2626
31SPMARITIME STUDIESMaritime Business (S74)12010 to 1818
32SPMEDIA AND DESIGNInterior Design (S89)608 to 1616
33SPMEDIA AND DESIGNMedia, Arts & Design (S29)4153 to 1313

Tips: Click or tap on the “ELR2B2 COP” column header to arrange the Poly cutoff points from the lowest to the highest.

Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) Cut Off Points 2023

NumberCourses nameIntake ELR2B2 RangeELR2B2 COP
1NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESApplied Chemistry234 to 1010
2NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiologics & Process Technology235 to 1010
3NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESChemical & Pharmaceutical Technology887 to 1414
4NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESCommon Science Programme1168 to 1212
5NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESFood Science & Nutrition455 to 1212
6NYPAPPLIED SCIENCESPharmaceutical Science596 to 1010
7NYPBUILT ENVIRONMENTArchitecture547 to 1515
8NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTAccountancy & Finance696 to 1212
9NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBanking & Finance665 to 1212
10NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness Management2486 to 1515
11NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommon Business Programme2565 to 1515
12NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTFood & Beverage Business665 to 1616
13NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTHospitality & Tourism Management607 to 1717
14NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTMass Media Management546 to 1212
15NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTSport & Wellness Management4511 to 1717
16NYPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness & Financial Technology988 to 1515
17NYPENGINEERINGAdvanced & Digital Manufacturing6415 to 2323
18NYPENGINEERINGAeronautical & Aerospace Technology416 to 1616
19NYPENGINEERINGAerospace Systems & Management4111 to 1818
20NYPENGINEERINGAi & Data Engineering403 to 1010
21NYPENGINEERINGBiomedical Engineering406 to 1414
22NYPENGINEERINGCommon Engineering Programme4246 to 2424
23NYPENGINEERINGElectronic & Computer Engineering833 to 1515
24NYPENGINEERINGEngineering With Business416 to 1414
25NYPENGINEERINGInfocomm & Media Engineering13014 to 1919
26NYPENGINEERINGNanotechnology & Materials Science4010 to 1515
27NYPENGINEERINGRobotics & Mechatronics646 to 1919
28NYPHEALTH SCIENCESOral Health Therapy255 to 1010
29NYPHEALTH SCIENCESNursing8006 to 2828
30NYPHUMANITIESSocial Work454 to 1313
33NYPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCybersecurity & Digital Forensics825 to 1010
34NYPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInfocomm & Security5511 to 1515
35NYPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESGame Development & Technology864 to 1111
36NYPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInformation Technology1088 to 1313
37NYPMEDIA AND DESIGNArchitecture547 to 1515
38NYPMEDIA AND DESIGNAnimation, Games & Visual Effects1254 to 1010
39NYPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommon Design & Media Programme1324 to 1414
40NYPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommunication & Motion Design834 to 1515
41NYPMEDIA AND DESIGNExperiential Product & Interior Design1105 to 1717

Tips: Click or tap on the “ELR2B2 COP” column header to arrange the Poly cutoff points from the lowest to the highest.

Republic Polytechnic (RP) Cut Off Points 2023

NumberCourses nameIntake ELR2B2 RangeELR2B2 COP
1RPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiomedical Science98 7 to 1212
2RPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiotechnology93 8 to 1919
3RPAPPLIED SCIENCESApplied Chemistry51 12 to 1818
4RPAPPLIED SCIENCESPharmaceutical Science152 8 to 1919
5RPAPPLIED SCIENCESCommon Science Programme194 12 to 1818
6RPAPPLIED SCIENCESEnvironmental & Marine Science64 8 to 1515
7RPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTMass Communication117 9 to 1616
8RPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTConsumer Behaviour & Research63 14 to 1818
9RPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTHuman Resource Management With Psychology 68 8 to 1616
10RPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommon Business Programme270 8 to 2626
11RPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness121 9 to 2020
12RPENGINEERINGIndustrial & Operations Management81 14 to 2626
13RPENGINEERINGSupply Chain Management81 13 to 2626
14RPENGINEERINGAviation Management85 15 to 2525
15RPENGINEERINGAerospace Engineering96 12 to 2626
16RPENGINEERINGCommon Engineering Programme294 13 to 2626
17RPENGINEERINGElectrical & Electronic Engineering125 18 to 2626
18RPENGINEERINGEngineering Systems & Management64 15 to 2121
19RPENGINEERINGEngineering Design With Business64 16 to 2626
20RPENGINEERINGSustainable Built Environment48 16 to 2626
21RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInformation Technology 141 15 to 2626
22RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESBusiness Information Systems  125 15 to 2626
23RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESFinancial Technology122 16 to 2626
24RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESDigital Design & Development90 15 to 2626
25RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInfocomm Security Management88 10 to 2525
26RPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCommon Ict Programme 245 13 to 2626
27RPMEDIA AND DESIGNMedia Production & Design   86 13 to 1818
28RPMEDIA AND DESIGNSonic Arts51 11 to 1818
29RPMEDIA AND DESIGNArts & Theatre Management   51 13 to 1919
30RPMEDIA AND DESIGNDesign For Games & Gamification48 12 to 1717
31RPMEDIA AND DESIGNDesign For User Experience53 15 to 2020
32RPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommon Arts, Design And Media Programme125 13 to 2020
33RPHOSPITALITYIntegrated Events Management97 15 to 2626
34RPHOSPITALITYCustomer Experience Management With Business   76 15 to 2222
35RPHOSPITALITYHotel & Hospitality Management   96 13 to 2626
36RPHOSPITALITYRestaurant & Culinary Operations56 14 to 2626
37RPHOSPITALITYTourism Management With Technology57 17 to 2525
38RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISURESport & Exercise Science   103 6 to 1414
39RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISUREOutdoor & Adventure Learning 44 11 to 2525
40RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISUREHealth Management & Promotion 63 14 to 2626
41RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISUREHealth Services Management 73 16 to 2626
42RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISURESport Coaching45 13 to 1818
43RPSPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISURECommon Sports And Health Programme136 12 to 2626

Tips: Click or tap on the “ELR2B2 COP” column header to arrange the Poly cutoff points from the lowest to the highest.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) Cut Off Points 2023

NumberCourses nameIntake ELR2B2 RangeELR2B2 COP
1NPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiomedical Science N59603 to 77
2NPAPPLIED SCIENCESChemical & Biomolecular Engineering N56758 to 1212
3NPAPPLIED SCIENCESCommon Science Programme N15 (New)505 to 99
4NPAPPLIED SCIENCESEnvironmental & Water Technology N74456 to 1515
5NPAPPLIED SCIENCESLandscape Design & Horticulture N57404 to 1616
6NPAPPLIED SCIENCESPharmaceutical Science N73503 to 99
7NPBUILT ENVIRONMENTHotel & Leisure Facilities Management N40957 to 1717
8NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTAccountancy N511354 to 1212
9NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTArts Business Management N91405 to 1212
10NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBanking & Finance N53755 to 1010
11NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness Studies N451503 to 88
12NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommon Business Programme N972203 to 1212
13NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTInternational Trade & Business N85758 to 1313
14NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTReal Estate Business N48758 to 1414
15NPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTTourism & Resort Management N725010 to 1515
16NPENGINEERINGAerospace Engineering N651259 to 1818
17NPENGINEERINGMechatronics & Robotics N50756 to 2626
18NPENGINEERINGBiomedical Engineering N60506 to 1111
19NPENGINEERINGCommon Engineering Programme N713257 to 2424
20NPENGINEERINGElectrical Engineering N437512 to 2424
21NPENGINEERINGElectronic & Computer Engineering N441255 to 1616
22NPENGINEERINGEngineering Science N93406 to 1111
23NPENGINEERINGMechanical Engineering N411254 to 2626
24NPHEALTH SCIENCESNursing N696006 to 28 28
25NPHEALTH SCIENCESOptometry N83456 to 1313
26NPHUMANITIESChinese Studies N70505 to 1212
27NPHUMANITIESCommunity Development N11855 to 1313
28NPHUMANITIESEarly Childhood Development & Education N964505 to 2323
29NPHUMANITIESTamil Studies With Early Education N953015 to 2020
30NPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCommon Ict Programme N981253 to 1212
31NPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCybersecurity & Digital Forensics N94753 to 1010
34NPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInformation Technology N541255 to 1414
35NPMARITIME STUDIESMarine & Offshore Technology N424014 to 2525
36NPMEDIA AND DESIGNChinese Media & Communication N88404 to 1313
37NPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommon Media Programme N14New!707 to 1212
38NPMEDIA AND DESIGNDesign N12754 to 1515
39NPMEDIA AND DESIGNFilm, Sound & Video N82403 to 1111
40NPMEDIA AND DESIGNMass Communication N67753 to 88
41NPMEDIA AND DESIGNMedia Post-Production N13403 to 1313

Tips: Click or tap on the “ELR2B2 COP” column header to arrange the Poly cutoff points from the lowest to the highest.

Temasek Polytechnic (TP) Cut Off Points 2023

NumberCourses nameIntake ELR2B2 RangeELR2B2 COP
1TPAPPLIED SCIENCESBiomedical Engineering (T38)958 - 1414
2TPAPPLIED SCIENCESChemical Engineering (T33)1005 - 1414
3TPAPPLIED SCIENCESCommon Science Programme (T70)1507 - 1212
4TPAPPLIED SCIENCESFood, Nutrition & Culinary Science (T26)508 - 1010
5TPAPPLIED SCIENCESMedical Biotechnology (T64)653 - 99
6TPAPPLIED SCIENCESPharmaceutical Science (T25)705 - 1010
7TPAPPLIED SCIENCESVeterinary Technology (T45)455 - 99
8TPBUILT ENVIRONMENTArchitectural Technology & Building Services (T29)1005 - 2323
9TPBUILT ENVIRONMENTIntegrated Facility Management (T28)754 - 1919
10TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTAccountancy & Finance (T02)1005 - 1111
11TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTAviation Management (T04)957 - 1515
12TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness (T10)1655 - 1313
13TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTBusiness Process & Systems Engineering (T43)1005 - 1616
14TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommon Business Programme (T01)2906 - 1515
15TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCommunications & Media Management (T40)856 - 1313
16TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTCulinary & Catering Management (T18)703 - 1919
17TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTHospitality & Tourism Management (T08)1206 - 1717
18TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTLaw & Management (T09)1205 - 1212
19TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTInternational Trade & Logistics (T07)7011 - 1616
20TPBUSINESS MANAGEMENTMarketing (T67)758 - 1515
21TPENGINEERINGAerospace Electronics (T50)757 - 1717
22TPENGINEERINGAerospace Engineering (T51)1206 - 1515
23TPENGINEERINGCommon Engineering Programme (T56)4658 - 2121
24TPENGINEERINGComputer Engineering (T13)1004 - 1313
25TPENGINEERINGElectronics (T65)5010 - 1515
26TPENGINEERINGMechatronics (T66)509 - 1616
27TPHUMANITIESEarly Childhood Development & Education (T68)2503 - 1919
28TPHUMANITIESPsychology Studies (T48)753 - 88
29TPHUMANITIESSocial Sciences In Gerontology (T53)509 - 1414
30TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESApplied Artificial Intelligence (T69)504 - 1212
31TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESBig Data & Analytics (T60)505 - 1111
32TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCommon Ict Programme (T63)2205 - 1616
33TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESCybersecurity & Digital Forensics (T62)1504 - 1111
34TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESImmersive Media & Game Development (T58)258 - 1313
35TPINFORMATION & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIESInformation Technology (T30)1005 - 1515
36TPMEDIA AND DESIGNApparel Design & Merchandising (T20)508 - 1212
37TPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommon Design Programme (T71)1007 - 1515
38TPMEDIA AND DESIGNCommunication Design (T59)753 - 1515
39TPMEDIA AND DESIGNDigital Film & Television (T23)553 - 1111
40TPMEDIA AND DESIGNInterior Architecture & Design (T22)554 - 1111
41TPMEDIA AND DESIGNProduct Experience & Design (T35)355 - 1616

Tips: Click or tap on the “ELR2B2 COP” column header to arrange the Poly cutoff points from the lowest to the highest.


The 2023 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) Range of Net ELR2B2 showcases the net ELR2B2 aggregate scores, which comprise English Language, 2 Relevant Subjects, and 2 Best Subjects. These scores represent the spectrum from the lowest to the highest ranked students who secured admission to these courses via the 2023 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) and hold Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level qualifications.


Starting your educational journey at a Singaporean polytechnic marks a pivotal moment, and having access to essential information is key to informed choices. This is why we’re delighted to offer you a comprehensive guide encompassing all aspects of course intake and the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) ELR2B2 range, spanning across all five of Singapore’s polytechnics.

Our guide is your go-to resource for navigating the admissions process effectively. It includes an extensive table detailing the ELR2B2 ranges for all polytechnics, offering insights into the aggregate scores of admitted students. This information allows you to gauge your eligibility for your desired courses.

Whether you’re an aspiring student or a parent guiding your child through the educational journey, this guide provides you with invaluable information to help you make informed decisions. Explore intake numbers from the previous academic year, delve into the JAE ELR2B2 range, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the ELR2B2 scores required for course selections.

Armed with this comprehensive guide, you’ll step into your polytechnic journey with a strong sense of confidence, equipped to make well-informed decisions about your course selections and future career path. The entire AspirerTutor team extends our warmest wishes for your successful applications and a promising educational adventure ahead.

CCA Bonus points

These bonus points are deducted from your gross aggregate scores to determine the corresponding net aggregate scores, which are used to assess course eligibility and placements.

You can earn a maximum of 2 bonus points based on your CCA grade achievement.

CCA grade (Excellent / A1 or A2) = 2 points

CCA grade (Good / B3 or C6) = 1 point

As an illustration, if your aggregate score is 15, and you achieved an A2 in your CCA participation, your aggregate score would be reduced by 2 points due to the CCA bonus points deduction, resulting in a net aggregate score of 13.

Additional Resources:

Please note that the information provided on this website may not always be accurate, complete, or up-to-date. The content presented here is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered the sole basis for making critical decisions. We strongly advise consulting primary and more authoritative sources of information to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness. Any reliance on the material on this website is undertaken at your own discretion and risk. AspirerTutor, the operator of this website, disclaim any responsibility for the consequences arising from such reliance.