Applied Learning Programme
Foster a spirit of creativity & enterprising mindset
Applied learning is a fantastic way to foster creativity in our students by having them use their skills outside of the classroom. Applied learners are able to go out into the real world and apply what they have learned, making it more relevant than ever before!
They are categorised as follows: STEM, Languages & Humanities, Interdisciplinary, Business & Entrepreneurship, Aesthetics, Languages and Humanities. They can be filtered using the drop-down menu at the top of the table.
Check out the Learning For Life Programme here!

School Name | Zone | Website | Applied Learning Programme | Name of ALP |
ADMIRALTY SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.admiraltysec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Design Thinking Through Innovation and Technology |
AHMAD IBRAHIM SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.ahmadibrahimsec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Critical Social Inquiry and Media Literacy |
ANG MO KIO SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.angmokiosec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Environment Science & Technology |
ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL (BARKER ROAD) | SOUTH | http://www.acsbr.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Developing Effective Communicators through Drama, Debates and Public Speaking |
ASSUMPTION ENGLISH SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.assumptionenglish.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Speak English with grAce and Knowledge (SPEAK) |
BARTLEY SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.bartleysec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Chemical and Life Sciences (Perfumery) |
BEATTY SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.beattysec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Beattyians Think. Create. Innovate |
BEDOK GREEN SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.bedokgreensec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | ilnquire. ilnnovate. Developing scientific thinking and inquiry skills through real-life applications |
BEDOK SOUTH SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.bedoksouthsec.moe.edu.sg | Interdisciplinary | Project S.H.I.N.E -- An Integrated Student-Centred and Holistic Programme that Develops Innovation and Nurtures Empathy |
BEDOK VIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.bedokviewsec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Global Awareness for the 21st Century @ BV |
BENDEMEER SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.bendemeersec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Making Health Science Alive through Authentic Problem-Based Learning |
BOON LAY SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | https://www.boonlaysec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Exploring Possibilities in Materials Science |
BOWEN SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.bowensec.moe.edu.sg | Business & Entrepreneurship | Nurturing Creativity, Empathy and Enterprise through Social Entrepreneurship |
BROADRICK SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.broadricksec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Broadrick Entrepreneurship in STEM |
BUKIT BATOK SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.bukitbatoksec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Developing Proactive Problem-Solvers who care for our World through STEM |
BUKIT MERAH SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.bukitmerahsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Creative Robotics and Engineering |
BUKIT VIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | https://www.bukitviewsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Clean Energy and Environmental Technology |
CANBERRA SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | https://canberrasec.moe.edu.sg | Aesthetics | Digital Media in Visual Arts |
CHANGKAT CHANGI SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.changkatchangisec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Programme SOAR (Student centered Opportunities for AeRospace Industry) |
CHIJ ST. JOSEPH'S CONVENT | NORTH | http://www.chijstjosephsconvent.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | The Art of Communication through Theatre and Debates |
CHIJ ST. THERESA'S CONVENT | SOUTH | http://www.chijsttheresasconvent.moe.edu.sg | Interdisciplinary | Education For Life ? Developing Portable Skills through and for Real World Problem Solving |
CHRIST CHURCH SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.christchurchsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Developing 21st Century Competencies through an Inquiry approach in Health Science and Technology |
CHUA CHU KANG SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.chuachukangsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Robotics & Automation for a Better Tomorrow |
CHUNG CHENG HIGH SCHOOL (YISHUN) | NORTH | http://www.chungchenghighyishun.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Food and Science Technology |
CLEMENTI TOWN SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.clementitownsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | CODE: COmputing to Discover and Empower |
COMPASSVALE SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.compassvalesec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Aeronautics Applied Learning Programme |
DAMAI SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.damaisec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Environmental & Health Sciences |
DEYI SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.deyisec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Pen it down, Mike it up! |
DUNEARN SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.dunearnsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | FSciTech: Developing Dunearnites as confident and creative young scientists through Food Science and Technology |
EAST SPRING SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.eastspringsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | 21st Century Innovators through Health Science |
EDGEFIELD SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.edgefieldsec.moe.edu.sg | Business & Entrepreneurship | Growing the Entrepreneurial Mindset (GEM) |
EVERGREEN SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.evergreensec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Developing Effective Communicators, Caring Leaders and Inventive Thinking through National Education |
FAJAR SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.fajarsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Sustainability through 21st Century Applied Critical and Inventive Thinking Skills (ACIT) |
FUCHUN SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.fuchunsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Innovations in Science & Technology for Sustain-Ability |
FUHUA SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.fuhuasec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Forensic Science@Fuhua |
GAN ENG SENG SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.ganengsengsch.moe.edu.sg | STEM | GESS Probes Programme |
GEYLANG METHODIST SCHOOL (SECONDARY) | EAST | http://www.geylangmethodistsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Environmental Science and Sustainable Living |
GREENDALE SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.greendalesec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | SMART Living: Design. Code. Build |
GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.greenridgesec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | The Use of Media in Engaging 21st Century Learners in the English Language Classroom -- Camera. Lights. Action. Programme (CLAP) |
GUANGYANG SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://guangyangsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Environmental Science for Sustainable Living |
HAI SING CATHOLIC SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.haisingcatholic.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Applied Learning in Robotics and Engineering |
HILLGROVE SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.hillgrovesec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Broadening our Learning Horizons through Flight and Aerospace |
HOLY INNOCENTS' HIGH SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.holyinnocentshigh.moe.edu.sg | Languages | Journalism and Broadcasting -- Developing Critical Thinkers and Confident Communicators |
HOUGANG SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.hougangsec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | English Communication Skills through Authentic Learning |
HUA YI SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.huayisec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Health Sciences: Healthcare technologies for the elderly |
JUNYUAN SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.junyuansec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Developing Application-based Learning through Food Science |
JURONG SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.jurongsec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Environmental Studies: An Inter-disciplinary Approach To Sustainable Urban Living |
JURONG WEST SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.jurongwestsec.moe.edu.sg | Aesthetics | Harnessing Technology, Communication and the Visual Arts in Authentic Contexts |
JURONGVILLE SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.jurongvillesec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Real World Learning through Electronics |
JUYING SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://juyingsec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Developing Confident & Competent Communicators through Oracy Skills Programme |
KENT RIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.kentridgesec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Developing Computational Thinking through Robotics |
KRANJI SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.kranjisec.moe.edu.sg | Interdisciplinary | Nurturing Communities of Reflective and Independent Learners through Thinking Curriculum |
KUO CHUAN PRESBYTERIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.kuochuanpresbyteriansec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Participate, Access/ Analyse, Create, Evaluate (P.A.C.E) in KCPSS Media Literacy Programme |
LOYANG VIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.loyangviewsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Design and Engineering |
MANJUSRI SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.manjusrisec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Building Smart Homes with a Big Heart |
MARSILING SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.marsilingsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Eco-sustainability through Inquiry-Based Learning |
MAYFLOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.mayflowersec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Developing confidence and curiosity through effective communication |
MERIDIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.meridiansec.moe.edu.sg | Aesthetics | Aesthetics |
MONTFORT SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | https://montfortsec.moe.edu.sg/ | STEM | Made In Montfort ? Design, Code, Make |
NAN CHIAU HIGH SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.nchs.edu.sg | STEM | Electronics in Health Sciences and Health Care Technology |
NAVAL BASE SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.navalbasesec.moe.edu.sg | Aesthetics | Applied Learning in Art |
NEW TOWN SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.newtownsec.moe.edu.sg | Aesthetics | Developing critical and inventive thinkers through visual communication |
NORTH VISTA SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.northvistasec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Investigative Science in Health & Sports |
NORTHBROOKS SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.northbrookssec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Northbrooks Aerospace Programme (Applied Learning In Aerospace) |
NORTHLAND SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.northlandsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | ALP Health Sciences - Healthy Lifestyle and Caring for Elderly |
ORCHID PARK SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.orchidparksec.moe.edu.sg | Aesthetics | ARTopIA - Arts Appreciation & Values Inculcation through Visual Art |
OUTRAM SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.outramsec.moe.edu.sg | Business & Entrepreneurship | Business and Enterprise |
PASIR RIS CREST SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.prcss.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Effective Communicators of the 21st Century |
PASIR RIS SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://pasirrissec.moe.edu.sg | Humanities | Applied Learning in Humanities and Languages through Project DRIVE! |
PEI HWA SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.peihwasec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Robotics and Programming - Nurturing Leaders, Scholars and Altruists |
PEICAI SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.peicaisec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | ?We are what we eat; and what we do? ? Knowing Better; Living Healthier; Transforming Lives |
PEIRCE SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.peircesec.moe.edu.sg | Languages | Broadcast Journalism |
PING YI SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://pingyisec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Design Education and Aeronautical Engineering |
PRESBYTERIAN HIGH SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.presbyterian.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Forensic & Pharmaceutical Science |
PUNGGOL SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.punggolsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Environment Education |
QUEENSTOWN SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.queenstownsec.moe.edu.sg | Humanities | Minds for the Future ? First Cultivating the Disciplined and Synthesising Mind |
QUEENSWAY SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.queenswaysec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Environmental Science Applied Learning Programme: Developing Confident Learners and Caring Citizens |
REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://regentsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Engineering @ Regent |
RIVERSIDE SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.riversidesec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Global Citizenship Education through Critical Social Inquiry |
SEMBAWANG SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.sembawangsec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Critical & Inventive Thinking (CIT) thru Media Literacy |
SENG KANG SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.sengkangsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Health Science & Technology |
SERANGOON GARDEN SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.sgs.edu.sg | Humanities | Researching Society using Media Communication |
SERANGOON SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.serangoonsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Real-world Explorations in ICT |
SPRINGFIELD SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.springfieldsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Exploring Health Sciences through SP2A |
ST. ANDREW'S SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.standrewssec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Saints Engineering Design Programme |
ST. GABRIEL'S SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.stgabrielssec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Project GaIA - Gabrielites Inspired for Aviation |
ST. HILDA'S SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.sthildassec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | iTHink -- the HILDAN Approach to Learning the English Language |
ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL | EAST | http://www.stpatricks.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Sports and Health Science |
SWISS COTTAGE SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.swisscottagesec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development |
TAMPINES SECONDARY SCHOOL | EAST | https://www.tampinessec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Creative Engineering: Inter-disciplinary Authentic Problem Solving |
TANGLIN SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.tanglinsec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Tanglin P.L.U.S. (Perspectives and Literacies to Understand Society) |
TECK WHYE SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.teckwhyesec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Re-designing the Future with Materials Science |
UNITY SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.unitysec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Inspire through Scientific Innovation and Enterprise |
WEST SPRING SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.westspringsec.moe.edu.sg | Languages & Humanities | Effective Communication and Critical Thinking through Media Literacy |
WESTWOOD SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.westwoodsec.moe.edu.sg | Business & Entrepreneurship | Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship |
WHITLEY SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.whitleysec.moe.edu.sg | Languages | Speech Communication Arts |
WOODGROVE SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | https://woodgrovesec.moe.edu.sg/ | STEM | Materials Science for Sustainable Living |
WOODLANDS RING SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.woodlandsringsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | The Robotics Education & Enterprise (TREE) |
WOODLANDS SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.woodlandssec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Real Food, Real Science |
YIO CHU KANG SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.yiochukangsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Developing inquiring minds and creative learners through Arduino |
YISHUN SECONDARY SCHOOL | NORTH | http://www.yishunsec.moe.edu.sg | Aesthetics | Sonic Arts ? Applied Learning in Music, Media and Technology |
YUAN CHING SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.yuanchingsec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Marine Robotics |
YUHUA SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.yuhuasec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Coding, Design, Thinking and Robotics (CODER) |
YUSOF ISHAK SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.yusofishaksec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Programme for Authentic Science, Technology and Environmental Learning |
YUYING SECONDARY SCHOOL | SOUTH | http://www.yuyingsec.moe.edu.sg | Business & Entrepreneurship | Fostering Inventive and Critical Thinking through Design Thinking for Enterprising Learners |
ZHENGHUA SECONDARY SCHOOL | WEST | http://www.zhenghuasec.moe.edu.sg | STEM | Game Design and Simulation and Robotics |