SMU IGP 2024/2025

smu igp
Table 1: Grade Profiles of the 10th and 90th percentiles of A-Level Applicants offered places for programmes at SMU in Academic Year 2024/2025.
SMU Degree ProgrammeRank Point10th Percentile90th PercentileNumber of Course Places
Bachelor of Accountancy75BBB/CAAA/A251
Bachelor of Business Management77.5ABB/CAAA/A852
Bachelor of Laws85AAA/AAAA/A177
Bachelor of Science (Economics)75BBB/CAAA/A220
Bachelor of Science (Information Systems)75BBB/CAAA/A389
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)82.5AAB/AAAA/A147
Bachelor of Science (Computing & Law)80ABB/AAAA/A18
Bachelor of Science (Software Engineering)75BBB/CAAA/C83
Bachelor of Social Sciences75BBB/CAAA/A211
Deferred Declaration of Degree / Bachelor of Integrative Studies80ABB/AAAA/A59
The total number of course places across all SMU degree programmes (YR 2024/2025) is 2407.
Table 2: Polytechnic GPAs of the 10th and 90th percentiles of applicants from Singapore’s five polytechnics who were offered places in SMU programmes for Academic Year 2024/2025
SMU Degree Programme 10th Percentile 90th Percentile
Bachelor of Accountancy 3.69 3.94
Bachelor of Business Management 3.80 3.96
Bachelor of Laws 3.75 3.97
Bachelor of Science (Economics) 3.67 3.88
Bachelor of Science (Information Systems) 3.69 3.92
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) 3.80 3.97
Bachelor of Science (Computing & Law) # #
Bachelor of Science (Software Engineering) 3.66 3.89
Bachelor of Social Sciences 3.66 3.92
Deferred Declaration of Degree / Bachelor of Integrative Studies 3.73 3.95

SMU’s 2024/2025 Indicative Grade Profile: Insights for A-Level Applicants

The recently released SMU Indicative Grade Profile for 2024/2025 admission offers valuable information for prospective A-Level students. Here are some key takeaways:

1. Competitive landscape: The IGP shows that SMU’s admission standards remain high across most programs. Many courses require at least BBB/B at the 10th percentile, indicating strong competition.


2. Top-tier programs: Some programs have particularly high entry requirements:
– Bachelor of Laws: AAA/A at the 10th percentile
– Bachelor of Science (Computer Science): AAB/A at the 10th percentile
– Bachelor of Business Management: ABB/C at the 10th percentile

3. More accessible options: Students with slightly lower grades still have opportunities at SMU. Programs with lower 10th percentile requirements include:
– Bachelor of Accountancy: BBB/C
– Bachelor of Science (Economics): BBB/C
– Bachelor of Science (Information Systems): BBB/C


4. Narrow range: The difference between 10th and 90th percentile grades is often small, with many programs showing AAA/A at the 90th percentile. This suggests a highly competitive applicant pool.

5. Holistic admissions: While the IGP provides useful guidance, SMU considers factors beyond grades in its admissions process. Applicants should focus on developing a well-rounded profile.


6. Changing trends: Compared to previous years, some programs like Business and Accountancy have seen slight increases in their cut-off points, reflecting growing popularity or competitiveness.

SMU’s 2024/2025 Indicative Grade Profile: Insights for Polytechnic Graduates

1. Limited data for some courses: The Bachelor of Science (Computing & Law) program doesn’t have published GPA data, indicated by “#” in the table. This could be due to a small sample size or the newness of the program.


2. Competitive courses: Some programs have higher entry requirements, such as:
– Bachelor of Business Management (10th percentile: 3.80)
– Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) (10th percentile: 3.80)
– Bachelor of Laws (10th percentile: 3.75)

3. Narrow range: The difference between the 10th and 90th percentile GPAs is relatively small for most programs, indicating a competitive admission process.


4. Diverse options: SMU offers a range of programs across business, law, social sciences, and technology fields, catering to various academic interests.

Remember, these figures are indicative, and admission depends on various factors beyond just GPA. Students should aim for their desired courses while also considering backup options that match their academic profile. It’s also worth noting that SMU’s holistic admissions process takes into account other aspects of an applicant’s profile beyond academic performance.
