JC COP 2025

jc cop 2025

Junior College Cut-Off Point 2025

JCsScience / IBArts
Anderson Serangoon JC1011
Anglo-Chinese JC89
Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)55
Catholic JC1313
Dunman High School78
Eunoia JC56
Hwa Chong Institution45
Jurong Pioneer JC1415
Nanyang JC57
National JC78
Raffles Institution35
River Valley High School89
St. Andrew’s JC910
St. Joseph’s Institution6-
Tampines Meridian JC1213
Temasek JC78
Victoria JC68
Yishun Innova JC1820

Analyzing Changes in JC Cut-Off Points: A Look at This Year (2025) vs. Last Year (2024)

Junior College (JC) Stream Previous Score New Score Change
EJC Science 6 5
EJC Arts 7 6
NYJC Arts 6 7
RI Science 4 3

Raffles Institution (RI) experienced a drop in its Science stream cut-off point (COP) this year, from 4 to 3. This means that even a student with an L1R5 score of 7, after deducting 4 points for CCA and Higher Chinese Language, would not be guaranteed a spot in RI. Such students would only meet the COP and be subjected to balloting. To secure a place confidently, achieving a net score of 6 (L1R5 = 6) —a perfect score—would be necessary.

Similarly, Eunoia Junior College (EJC) has seen its COP tighten across both streams. The Science stream COP dropped from 6 to 5, while the Arts stream COP decreased from 7 to 6. This indicates that both streams at EJC have become more competitive, raising the entry bar for prospective students. These changes highlight the growing demand for spots at EJC and the increasingly high academic standards required to gain admission.


This raises the question: is this drop in COP due to the “Dragon Year effect,” which brought about a larger cohort size, increasing competition? Or could it be attributed to the O-Level papers being easier than expected, leading to higher-than-average performance across the board? Regardless of the reasons, it reflects the heightened competitiveness of JC admissions this year.

The AspirerTutor team wishes all students a strong start to their JC journey. Embrace this new chapter with determination and resilience. Whether you’ve secured your dream JC or are embarking on an alternative path, remember that success is defined by your growth and perseverance. Continue striving toward your ultimate goal—university and beyond—and stay amazing!
